Escow Mid-Winter Regatta March 2-3, 2024 Sarasota Sailing Squadron

Saturday March 2, Races 1 and 2

Saturday March 2, Races 3 and 4

High winds on Vineyard Sound July 6, 2024--- photo by bob Silva. We are # 756

Summer ~ Sailing at Falmouth YC Cape Cod MA

Feeling much more confident on the sonar--- working the fore deck when needed --- flying the spinnaker and working the main. When the winds blow huge--- my biggest job is holding on and keeping track of the time-- the flags and the boats around us!!

Last updated August 5,  2024

ESCOW 2019 in the winners circle

Thanks Judy Hodge for the photo!

Spent June 15-19 At the Sonar Worlds in Lake Sunapee New Hampshire It was an honor just to race with this fleet--- Challenging weather and conditions... overall great experience!!Check out this video of the event- Sonar World Championship 2022